Do you think that the insurance company’s benefit is too low during the accident?
In these and similar cases, an independent property appraiser is useful.
- Fast
- Usually
- At a competitive price
- Without bureaucracy
- With a reliable partner
- And professional advice
Valuation of movable property is performed when:
- The vehicle has been damaged in a traffic accident , natural disaster or other incident,
to determine the damage caused; - It is subject to taxation or insurance ;
- The vehicle is pledged, guaranteed or guaranteed;
- This is required by law or regulation;
- Required by its owner;
- In other cases.
Cars, motorcycles 95 EUR * (2-3 working days)
Commercial transport 165 EUR * (2-3 working days)
* The price depends on the evaluation report and the choice of its calculation method.
Who carries out the valuation of the property?
The property appraisal report is prepared by a property appraiser who has a property appraiser’s qualification certificate and has been working in the field of transport damage appraisal for more than 10 years, constantly raising her qualifications in both the field of auto repair technologies and property appraisal.
Which property is considered movable?
Movable property (movable property) means property (property) that can be transferred from one place to another without changing its purpose and without substantially reducing its value, unless otherwise provided by law.
Stages of real estate valuation
1. Asset identification and data analysis
Based on the information provided by the client, the documents required for the assessment are determined.
2. Inspection of the assessed property
An examination by an expert or his assistant is required to assess the property. In the presence of the customer or the owner of the property at the agreed time and place, the property is inspected, the condition of the property is assessed and photographs are taken. The inspection in Vilnius is free of charge, in other cities by separate agreement.
3. Preparation of the report
After analyzing the information collected during the inspection year and setting the purpose of the assessment, a property valuation report is prepared. Deadline for preparation of the report 1-3 working days.
4. Reporting
The prepared asset report is handed over to the client.